Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What Happened Today? 6/18/08 Or: Here We Go Again, Cubs Fans

Yep. Things were just going too well. A couple of days ago, the Cubs were 45-25, the best team in baseball and pulling away from the Cardinals. Sure, Soriano was on the DL for a few weeks, but the Cubs could absolutely get through without him.

Now, the Cubs are 45-27. Still the best team in baseball. However, the injury train is coming, Carlos Zambrano got hurt tonight - and he may well have been hurt for a while, There's no telling where he's headed. Half the Cubs' outfielders have gotten hurt in the last 24 hours.

Granted, St. Louis is still down to us 3.5 games, and after spending most of the season defying any statistical reason why they should be good, they've lost two in a row at home to the Royals. But bad things seem afoot...

Also of note, Tiger's done for the year. This vaults his U.S. Open to a whole new level of brilliance - the MJ Flu Game times about 150. He was playing four weeks before he should have even been MOVING. Incredible.

Image Credit: AP

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